Face the Fear and Do It Anyway.

Growing up, I was always pretty shy and quiet around other kids my age (around the house I was as loud as can be – two older brothers taught me I had to have a strong voice early on). Of course, around my closest friends I was my outgoing, goofy self, but around teachers, classmates, and people who I had just met you would think I was the shyest girl in the grade. It wasn’t until about senior year of high school that I started to fully come out of my shell and just well, be me.

I also learned early on from my Dad that one of the most important, yet challenging things in life is to take risks. Never settle. Keep striving for what you want and if you try hard enough, you just might get it. Coincidentally, my first “big risk” was applying to college – would I stay in-state so I could be close to home, or would I go out of state where the only easy way home was a long flight and I knew absolutely no one?


Next up came studying abroad – should I live across the world for three months meaning it would be my first Thanksgiving spent away from home (eating a kebab at midnight in Prague, nonetheless)?

After a lot of uncertainty and challenging times, I realized choosing the easy way out is never the option. Through all of these experiences where I put myself outside of my comfort zone, I grew.

And of course the inevitable graduation day – what would come after May 10, 2014? Was I supposed to know before I made it across that stage what I’m meant to do for the rest of my life? The answer is no, I wasn’t. That’s what so great about life – being able to take risks, change your life, and figure it all out along the way.

On a lighter note, here are some of my favorite links of the week, share yours below in the comment section!

1.) I have got to make this ASAP – queso dip from the Homesick Texan cookbook.

2.) I recently bought this maxi dress in coral and it is so comfortable and light – perfect for hot summer days.

3.) I’ve always wanted to make homemade ice cream and I think this may be the perfect flavor.

4.) Four Layer Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie – a must!

5.) A good article on why we should standup for women’s magazines.

6.) Comparison is the thief of joy – this blog post says it like it is.

Out into the “Real World”…yikes!

Everyone always says the closing of one chapter in life brings about the beginning of a new one. So it only seems appropriate that I begin my first blog post freshly graduated from college and beginning my uncertain journey into the “real world”. I graduated a little under a month ago and it’s only recently hit me as I was making my way to live in a new city for the summer. 

ImageMy brothers supporting me at graduation (pun intended!)

Freshmen year of college everyone kept telling me, “Enjoy it! It’s going to go by in the blink of an eye!”, or the more frightening, “Stay in school as long as you can, the real world is no fun!”. A month after graduating, I finally get it – they were pretty spot on. The past four years DID fly by – but I accomplished so much in those four years that I’m beyond thankful for. I met some of my best friends who I know even after months and years go by will still be there for me through thick and thin (and when I just need someone to go get a DQ Blizzard with). I studied abroad not once, but twice, pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and embracing new cultures while indulging in way too much gelato and pasta (grazie, Italia).

If I could stay in college the rest of my life and get paid for it, I totally would – it’s a bittersweet moment walking across that stage and getting your diploma. Of course, it’s a milestone in your life you’ll never forget, but it holds an immense amount of uncertainty about the future (at least for me – those of you who’ve got it figured out, I envy you!). I’m a strong believer in everything happening for a reason and I realize that I’m the only person in charge of my life. In honor of this new journey I’m embarking on I hope to share some of the little things in life that make me giddy through my blog posts (you’ll notice quickly a lot of baked goods tend to easily do so).

Cheer’s to a new chapter in the book of life!

ImageJ101 Roomies – thanks for great friendships and even greater memories 🙂